If you need further help, you can check out our other guides, including How to Use – Deploy Healing Drone, Rocket Launcher, Fence Cutters, Scuba Pants Location – How to Get, and Where To Find Car After Buying It in Shop. Experience Upgrade (Passive): +20 XP bonus. The other two are passives so you will instantly earn more XP at the start of the game. Only one of these perks needs to be equipped to your character. And pressing the button half-way is just unnecessarily annoying. How to level up fast: Unlock the following three skills/perks as soon as possible to make leveling much easier.

The regular sniper aim is precise enough, for the most part. Outside of this one challenge, I doubt that you’ll find a lot of use for this system. Now, you’re free to complete the Sharpshooter challenge. Also, the environmental audio kinda goes a little dimmer. Specifically, you’ll hear a sharp intake of breath from your character, and then, you’ll also hear a heartbeat. You’ll know that you’ve pulled it off through audio clues. After a second or so, you will enter breath-holding mode. Then, just hold it in that uncomfortable position. So, don’t press L2 all the way, just half-way. What you actually have to do is press and hold L2 half-way.