How to share screens and templates When you save your template Zooper Widget (PRO) stores two files in the SD card, under 'ZooperWidget' folder, one is a PNG with a screenshot of your awesome creation (so you can easily post it to the forum) the other one is a '.zw' file containing the template itself. Developing software and fixing bugs takes a huge amount of time that's why i needed to split it in two releases, hope you'll understand. Free/Pro Free version on the market is full featured, you can create the same layouts as the Pro, the only difference is that Free does not allow you to save and load external templates, it-s ad based, and has no 'hotspot' functionality.

Every aspect is customizable, you can use tons of with any kind of data or modify them using, syntax, text filters and more (more info, examples and variable reference on the website). More info HOMEPAGE: MARKET (FREE): MARKET (PRO): ICONSETS: APK SUPPORT: G+GALLERY: Main features WYSISYG Widget editor with unlimited Text, Series, Bitmaps and Shapes.

If you do not know it yet, well, Zooper Widget is a minimal, classy, extremely customizable and battery friendly 'do it yourself' Home Screen Widget with almost limitless possibilities. Hi All, I just realized that there is no official thread on XDA where users can share ZW home screens, themes and ideas, so I'm creating one.